Running drills are movements that copy the typical running movement pattern. Running requires coordinated and dynamic movements, which some exercises mimic and isolate a specific phase of movement. This allows us to focus on a specific element of movement, such as hip range of motion, without requiring parallel attention to other elements of the movement chain, such as arm movement.

The exercises proposed are as follows:


The 3 main elements that make up the A-Skip are the following:

1. An upright and stable torso - perpendicular to the ground
2. Knee lift at pelvic level
3. Lowering of the foot close to the foot on the ground


The 3 main elements that make up the B-Skip are as follows:

1. An upright torso - perpendicular to the ground
2. Knee lift at pelvic level
3. When lowering the foot, the foot performs a circular movement and comes next to the foot on the ground

Low Knees

The 3 main elements that make up Low Skipping are as follows:

1. Upright and stable torso - perpendicular to the ground
2. Small knee lift
3. Step on the ground with the front 1/3 of the foot

High Knees

The 3 main elements that make up High Skipping are as follows:

1. Upright and stable torso - perpendicular to the ground
2. Knee lift at pelvic level
3. Step on the ground with the front 1/3 of the foot


The 3 main elements that make up the Scissors are as follows:

1. An upright and stable torso - perpendicular to the ground
2. Elbows bent and knees extended
3. Step on the ground with the front 1/3 of the foot

Peter Lolis